Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (2024)

by Nana | Feb 2, 2017 | Goat Milk Lotion | 65 comments

Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (1)

This Goat milk lotion recipe is so good for you because goat’s milk itself has healing properties! It is my own recipe that I love though some find it a tad bit oily until the coconut and almond oil soak into your skin.

Because as we all know, I’m not a patient or particularly detail-oriented person, these ingredients go together smoothly. This is also a pretty thick lotion and could be used as a goat milk body butter recipe.

Goat Milk Lotion Recipe

  • 2 oz bees wax/emulsifying wax (I have found that emulsifying wax works better than bees wax)
  • 1/2 oz cocoa butter
  • 1 1/2 oz palm kernel oil
  • 8 oz coconut oil
  • 8 tbs almond oil
  • 1 cup goat’s milk
  • Add 1 1/2 cup distilled water
  • 1 tbs Germaben II


Mix the first five ingredients in a glass bowl, microwave or heat over the stove till melted, whisk in the water and goat’s milk until the whole emulsion cools. Then, I like to mix this together over an ice bath with a whisk. Don’t forget to add the Germaben II once it has become lotion. Store in glass jar in fridge. If the lotion is too thick you can add more water to thin it out. I’ve also had success with re heating the lotion and mixing again to get it to stay emulsified, even adding more emulsifying wax if the lotion starts to separate.

One thing I always have to remind myself of when I first mix the oils and liquids together, is that the milk is not curdling. It is becoming lotion as it has kind of a strange look in the beginning. Keep mixing, it will turn to lotion.

Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (3)Phenonip – Natural PreservativeGoat Milk Lotion Recipe (4)Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (5)Germaben II – Natural PreservativeGoat Milk Lotion Recipe (6)Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (7)Raw Cocoa ButterGoat Milk Lotion Recipe (8)Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (9)Palm Kernel FlakesGoat Milk Lotion Recipe (10)Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (11)Organic Coconut OilGoat Milk Lotion Recipe (12)Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (13)Sweet Almond OilGoat Milk Lotion Recipe (14)Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (15)Whole Powdered Goat MilkGoat Milk Lotion Recipe (16)


Now for some alternatives to using this Goat Milk Lotion Recipe

So, there you are, standing like Indiana Jones …

In a cave full of choices–I mean the grocery aisle – as you reach outfor the lotion “made with natural ingredients” on the left. Sucking in your breath, you flip the label.

Water. So far, so good.

Sweet almond oil. You exhale cautiously.

MommyPotamus is funny and has a great video for making moisturizing lotion with just a handful of ingredients.

If these two recipes aren’t enough to satisfy your lotion making needs – here are 18 more easy homemade lotion recipes.

Let’s watch as this gal makes lotion on you tube.

Why The Ingredients in This Goat Milk Lotion Recipe Are Good for Your Skin

Raw goat’s milk does so many amazing things for your skin that you can discover over here on in this article about why use goats milk soap.

What this article talks about in regard to goat milk in soaps is not just true for goat’s milk soaps, but for this goat milk lotion recipe too.

In addition to the goat milk, the almond oil is an excellent emollient. Helping skin retain moisture. And making your skin smooth and young looking. The oil also combats irritated skin.

Help prevent premature aging of your skin; its moisturizing properties help with various skin problems like eczema and psoriasis.

Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (19)

What Else Helps?

Cocoa butter – long touted for its ability to fade stretch marks (don’t most of us moms remember lathering it on our big bellies toward the end of pregnancy?). It also has properties that remove free radicals in your skin. Penetrating deep into the skin it provides extra moisturizing. And also contains vitamin E which fades scars.

All in all, this lotion should make you feel special. Not only because you made it yourself, but because it is good for you.

Struggling to find these skin loving ingredients? You can always just order your moisturizing lotion from from Amazon

You can find all of the ingredients you need to create your own lotion here


  1. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (20)

    Bailey on April 27, 2012 at 10:50 pm

    How thick is this lotion?

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (21)

      Nana on April 28, 2012 at 12:07 am

      This lotion can be pretty thick, but you can thin it with distilled water if you want it thinner. Sometimes I will just put it in a small squat mason jar with a wide mouth to make using it much easier.

  2. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (22)

    Everetta Winchell on May 4, 2012 at 11:25 pm

    I am going to be making goats milk soap next week and your recipe looks awesome!! The only question I have is do you have to keep this refrigerated since it does not have a preservative? How long will it keep? If I wanted to add a preservative, what would a natural, healthy one be? Thanks for your time and the recipe!!

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (23)

      Nana on May 4, 2012 at 11:55 pm

      Evertta, the process of turning the milk into soap works as a preservative. The longer you let the soap sit the harder the bar will get. I have some soap that is a couple years old, still great to bath with. Good luck with this..the recipe is so easy and so forgiving. If it does get messed up, don’t throw it out, just re heat it or let it harden then grate it and mix in more milk or lotion.

  3. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (24)

    Everetta on May 5, 2012 at 12:41 am

    Nana, I feel silly. I said soap and I meant lotion!! Do I need a preservative in the lotion? Sorry!!

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (25)

      Nana on May 5, 2012 at 2:29 am

      YES, you do need preservatives in lotion, unless you keep it in the fridge and use it within two weeks. There are a couple things you can use and you can read about them here http://hartnana.com/preservatives-in-lotion/ Have fun in your lotion making adventures 🙂

  4. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (26)

    Nora on July 1, 2012 at 8:14 pm

    I tried to make goats milk lotion with canned goats milk, bees wax, palm oil, emu oil, almond oil and saffron oil plus my essential oil for scent but it seperated…any suggestions. Also I got a goats milk lotion bar in Flaggstaff, Az last year that I would love to duplicate but can’t find directions (recipe)… Can you help. Nora

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (27)

      Nana on July 1, 2012 at 9:58 pm

      Nora, hard to say without knowing how much separation occurred. If it is just a thin layer of oil and the soap under hardened, I would check it with a ph strip to make sure it is not too caustic and use the soap after it cures – let it cure first then use the strip. If it is a lot of separation through out the soap I’d dump it all back in and add some more lye/water to the mixture (mixing the lye with equal parts of water, or slightly more water). Heat the whole thing up on the stove over low heat add in the lye/water mixture when both mixtures are the same (ish) temperature. stir it up to get it to trace again, then reset the soap. I have done this in the past with good success, but am the kind of cook that just adds stuff willy nilly when I cook. There is some element of danger here that you could get overly caustic soap, so don’t add a lot of lye, it is easier to add more but you can’t take it out once you have it added. Hope this helps you.

      It is also possible that you didn’t get a true trace before you dumped the mixture into your mold. You might try heating it all up and using the stick blender on it first before adding the lye/water…this too has happened to me more times than I like to admit 🙂

  5. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (28)

    Ruth Hawthorn on July 3, 2012 at 7:15 pm

    Silly question, ox is a typo and should be oz, correct? I did try this recipe using oz for beeswax and cocoanut and it was so thick I could not get the milk to mix with the oils and wax. I am going to try again with distilled water. Suggestion on how much water I should use?

  6. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (32)

    Ruth Hawthorn on July 3, 2012 at 7:21 pm

    Silly question, ox is a typo and should be oz, correct? I did try this recipe using oz and besswax and oils was so thick I could not get the milk to mix in. I am going to try it again adding distilled water. Any suggestions on how much water I should use? I want it thin enough that I can use a pump.

  7. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (33)

    Goat Milk Lotion on July 19, 2012 at 9:43 am

    Your Goat’s Milk Lotion can moisturize and rejuvenate skin. Just Love this product. Thanks for sharing useful information at http://hartnana.com/goat-milk-lotion-recipe/
    You can check http://goatmilkskincare.blogspot.ca/ for Goat’s Milk all skin Care Products.

  8. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (34)

    Kathryn on July 30, 2012 at 5:05 pm

    Do u know how many different preservatives I would need to use??

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (35)

      Nana on July 30, 2012 at 9:53 pm

      Kathryn you just need to use one type of preservative, but make sure it is enough to preserve the lotion you are making or keep your lotion in the fridge and use within a week or two.

  9. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (36)

    Kathryn on August 1, 2012 at 9:46 pm

    If I follow your recipe do u know how much Of the preservative i would need to put in?

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (37)

      Nana on August 1, 2012 at 10:16 pm

      I usually put in 1 tbs of Germaben II

  10. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (38)

    Kathryn on August 2, 2012 at 12:56 am

    And if I do that does it need to go in the fridge still and how long does it last?

  11. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (39)

    Sue on November 2, 2012 at 11:39 pm

    Hi, Can I make this lotion with goats milk that has been frozen. I have a stash of frozen goat milk and am looking for ways to use it. Thanks.

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (40)

      Nana on November 3, 2012 at 2:52 am

      Yep, I do it all the time! Just defrost the final part in the fridge and shake it good.

  12. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (41)

    Todd on December 17, 2012 at 5:35 pm

    I want to make goat milk lotion and want to be able to leave it on the counter to keep at room temp. Every recipe states to keep it refrigerated is there a natural preservative that will allow it to be kept on the counter and that will extend the length of time it can be kept?

    I also want to try liquid hand soap however have found the same problem.

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (42)

      Nana on December 17, 2012 at 7:10 pm

      Todd, I use Germaben II for my lotion and I do keep it on the counter for upwards of a couple months. I wouldn’t suggest that others do this because, room temperature is breeding grounds for germs. I also microwave both the milk and the oils believing that microwaving kills bacteria. While technically the microwave only kills certain types of bacteria, I think that if you start with squeaky clean stuff, you are going to be okay. (DISCLAIMER: this is what I do, I am not advocating this, just sharing what I, personally do. If you want to do what I do, then you will be responsible for what ever results you get)

      Just had to throw that in so that no one mistook me for someone who actually is trained professionally in this area of expertise.

  13. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (43)

    Barb Norris on January 27, 2013 at 4:15 pm

    this is awesome ,,, I have been wondering what to use to make the lotion.. Thank You for sharing

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (44)

      Janice Nelson on March 18, 2013 at 5:09 pm

      Could you please tell me how to add fragrance to the goat milk lotion?
      Thank you,

      • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (45)

        Nana on March 18, 2013 at 5:42 pm

        I add the fragrance oil after I have got the lotion to the consistency I want.

        • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (46)

          Janice Nelson on March 18, 2013 at 5:50 pm

          I know nothing about the scented oils. Please tell me about them. What am I looking for when I purchase them? How much should be added? Is it just stirred in?
          Thank you,

  14. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (47)

    Darice Z on March 31, 2013 at 3:43 pm

    Where I live, it is hard to get a hold of fresh goats milk, but I can get a hold of powdered goats milk. What are your thoughts on that, and do I have the same cautions as with fresh goats milk? Do I have to keep it refrigerated after making it, do I need a preservative, I want to make one for babies that is safe, and I too am looking to make a baby liquid goats milk soap. What are your suggestions?

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (48)

      Nana on March 31, 2013 at 4:05 pm

      Darice, you can use powdered goats milk, just reconstitute it and then treat it like fresh goats milk. You can also use canned goats milk. As far as testing goes: here is a link to purchase a microbial test kit Not too sure what to recommend for liquid goats milk soap for babies. I have never tried making that. I make a “baby me” bar of soap. Goats milk soap in the bar is so mild that I never really thought about making the liquid soap.

  15. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (49)

    Darlene Ewing on April 26, 2013 at 8:44 pm

    I’ve been trying and trying to make lotion from my goat milk to sell. But no matter what recipe I use, how I warm or mix things, it seems that after a day the milk in the lotion starts to produce droplets and before I know it I have a semi-solid cream sitting in a puddle of milk. Do you have any idea what I could be doing wrong? I’m measuring carefully, using a stick blender to mix, a thermometer to make sure things are equal in warmth, everything I can think of. I’m about to pull my hair out because I have soap down to an art and my customers are asking for lotions to go with it! Also, do you have any advice on where to find a large scale recipe that I can make a gallon at a time instead of one bottle at a time? Most recipes I find are for personal use and since I’ve never got them right yet, I haven’t tried increasing on the amounts cause I don’t want to waste ingredients. I’m really getting frustrated here. Thanks for your help.

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (50)

      Nana on April 26, 2013 at 9:01 pm

      Darlene, you might try adding more emulsifying wax, cut down on the goats milk you are adding to your recipe would be my suggestions. I also don’t use the stick blender on my lotions, I use a wire whisk if that won’t make it blend then there needs to be more emulsifying wax (in my opinion). Sometimes I have to heat everything back up and cool it down in an ice bath while whisking. The mixture looks like the milk has curdled when it starts emulsifying – I only mention this because every time I make lotion, I have to remind myself the milk isn’t “bad” it’s just turning to lotion. Save the failed lotion and use it in your soap. I have milled my soap and added the lotion to it then let it reset (only takes a day or so to re harden). The results were wonderful, moisturizing soap.

  16. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (51)

    Dixie on May 31, 2013 at 11:41 pm

    Does this leave an oily residue on your skin? Maybe I just used too much. My skin sure does not feel dry anymore. That is good.

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (52)

      Nana on June 8, 2013 at 8:49 pm

      No it should leave a oily residue unless you super fatted the recipe (which is just a fancy way of saying you have more fat than was used up by the lye in the soponification process)

  17. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (53)

    Cassie Dover on August 22, 2013 at 3:57 pm

    How much lotion does this recipe make and is it easily doubled (or more?) I think it would make fantastic Christmas gifts.


    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (54)

      Nana on August 22, 2013 at 4:02 pm

      Cassie, you can totally double this recipe and get great results. I sometimes will do that and then split the batch to finish it with different add ins. They make amazing Christmas gifts that say “I did this for you, because you are special!”

  18. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (55)

    Jean on September 4, 2013 at 5:21 pm

    Hi Nana,
    I made this lotion today and the milk seems to be seperating is this normal??

  19. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (56)

    Jean on September 4, 2013 at 5:25 pm

    Nana I followed your recipe exactly so why is the milk seperating or did I not emulsify it long enough??

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (57)

      Nana on September 4, 2013 at 5:29 pm

      Jean, I think that that is your problem or not enough emulsifying wax added and melted. I make mine over a bowl of ice water and that seems to make everything go together and stay together. Also I tend to like to keep mine in the fridge.

  20. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (58)

    Jean on September 4, 2013 at 5:49 pm

    Nana can I rebatch it somehow? Suggestions?

  21. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (59)

    Nana on September 4, 2013 at 9:00 pm

    Jean, YES! you just need to heat everything back up add in some more melted emulsifying wax and then stir it over an ice bath until everything re coagulates

  22. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (60)

    Jean on September 4, 2013 at 10:07 pm

    Is there a way to add it to an existing soap recipe?? Thanks!

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (61)

      Nana on September 5, 2013 at 12:10 am

      You can re batch soap that is already made a cured, by grating it down and then melting it over low heat, add your lotion, re mold let harden, cut, let dry for a week or two and then enjoy

      • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (62)

        Jean on September 5, 2013 at 12:45 am

        Thanks I am going to try it that way! I appreciate your help. I love our goats! We have 4 Oberhaslis and one Alpine.

  23. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (63)

    Liz Jeffryes on September 11, 2013 at 2:55 pm

    I hope you don’t think I’m crazy, but do you think this recipe would work with other kinds of milk, specifically human breast milk? I have been making breast milk lotion with a different recipe, but I’d like to try yours and see if I get better results.

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (64)

      Nana on September 11, 2013 at 3:46 pm

      Heck no I don’t think you’re crazy. Around here I hear of all kinds of interesting ideas for uses of milk from various animals. Human breast milk is a great substance for curing baby acne, and nipple soreness. That said, you might want to cut the recipe in half or in quarters while you experiment. You could also combine goats milk and human milk or simply add more water and less milk. Let me know how it turns out. I’ll bet it would be awesome for treating acne and other skin problems, maybe even psoriasis.

  24. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (65)

    Karen Hann on November 22, 2013 at 2:34 am

    Hi there. I just had to let you know that I’ve been making your goats milk soap for a year now and its absolutely fabulous! I use it in the shower and to wash my hair and my hair is so soft.Last weekend I made your lotion recipe. It doesn’t look like what I know as a lotion more hardened being kept in the fridge. I did leave a little out and the water separated out of it too but it was more like a lotion to use. It went rancid within 4 days. The first day I used it I kept applying it every 3 hours as my skin kept feeling so dry but the next day I used it twice a day and I’ve never looked back. Its the best homemade recipe I have ever used and I’ve played around with many recipes over the years. Is it the beeswax that makes the lotion slow to absorb into the skin and make you feel oily for awhile? Have you got a decent recipe for a handlotion for gardeners using goats milk. This recipe isn’t quite enough. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  25. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (66)

    Nana on November 22, 2013 at 3:14 pm

    Karen, thank you for your kind remarks. I’m so glad the soap recipe has been working well for you. I just re did the lotion recipe to reflect changes I have made to get more consistent lotion like results.

    I usually use emulsifying wax rather than bees wax and find that the lotion absorbs better and stays emulsified better. Using the Germaben II should help with keeping your lotion longer.

  26. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (67)

    Karen Hann on December 12, 2013 at 12:35 am

    Hi. I’ve made your lotion again after my first lot went rancid and I added a preservative to it. I just love it!! Even my beautician commented in the change in my skin after 1 week.
    I won’t use anything else now.

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (68)

      Nana on December 17, 2013 at 3:57 pm

      Glad you have had such success! I tend to keep my lotion in the fridge to extend its life. (and I add preservatives to kill off bacteria)

  27. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (69)

    Sue on December 17, 2013 at 5:14 am

    I have a question regarding the lotion recipe. Are the measurements in oz. by weight or volume? Some of the measurements are by cups, so I assume volume on those. In the you tube video, the lotion maker measures everything by volume.

    My daughter and I just botched our first batch! We accidentally put 8 oz. of almond oil instead of 8 tablespoons! Any ideas on trying to rebatch into something without making a zillion gallons of lotion from it!? Thanks.

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (70)

      Nana on December 17, 2013 at 4:05 pm

      The measurements are by weight. Were I in your shoes for the overdose on Almond oil incident, I would take half of the “lotion” and add enough of the other ingredients to make lotion out of that (store extra in mason jars if you don’t have lotion containers, and in the fridge) and then rebatch some home made soap with the remainder. A quick trick for milling soap if you aren’t a soap maker, is to take store bought soap, grate it down with a cheese grater then melt it on low on your stove or microwave it, add your lotion disaster, mix it in and then pour into molds (which can be anything that is plastic, or cardboard) or form into soap balls if the mixture is still solid enough. If you use cardboard, line it with wax paper first. Once the soap resets (should be a day or so) then cut it and let it dry out totally (another couple days) and then it is good to use. You can sometimes find all natural soap in the grocery store, if you aren’t a soap maker.

  28. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (71)

    karen shumac on February 19, 2014 at 7:40 pm

    I recently made a lotion based on your recipe, but not having palm kernal oil, I substituted olive oil and used only 2oz of coconut oil rather than 8oz, (I also made a batch with 8 oz & I thought it was too greasy), and less water, maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup. I used my emmersion blender with the wire whip attachment and that worked great. the result was a nice thick hand cream, rather than a more liquid lotion, that i put in squat 4ounce mason jars. i gave away some samples at work and they loved it and it only takes a dab to go a long way.
    My issue is that now after about 4 weeks, i am getting some spots of mold along the edges of some of the jars and lids, not really in the cream itself. Do you think it could be that my jars were not sterile enough? I used germaben, maybe a bit more would be appropriate? Also i used bottled water rather than distilled…it’s what I had on hand.
    Any thoughts anyone?
    p.s.: i added peppermint oil to the batch with 8oz of coconut oil and call it foot and leg massage lotion…wastenotwantnot

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (72)

      Jill on February 19, 2014 at 9:27 pm

      Could be that your jars weren’t sterile enough, could be that the water wasn’t sterile enough too. Lots of stuff grows in water – even bottled water. If it were me, and this is just me now, I would plop the cream back into a pot and boil it to kill off the bacteria and then when it cools down it should thicken up again. I’ve never tried this before so am not too sure what your results will be – it is a solution to the mold problem though.

  29. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (73)

    Lisa on March 27, 2014 at 11:15 pm

    I am new to the soap and lotion making world and am very interested in trying your lotion recipe, I just have a few questions. I would like to put my lotion into plastic bottles and am not sure at what point to do so. Also, at what point do I add the Germaben II if using bottles?

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (74)

      Nana on March 28, 2014 at 12:05 am

      I add the Germaben II to the mix before I add to the plastic containers. Mix all of the ingredients then bottle it. Making sure to use sterile containers will help to keep your product fresher longer.

  30. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (75)

    michele on July 14, 2014 at 3:27 pm

    Which of your ingredients are by weight and which are by volume???

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (76)

      Nana on July 14, 2014 at 3:42 pm

      all measurements are by weight 🙂

  31. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (77)

    Kristy on June 14, 2016 at 1:25 am

    Ever use Sodium Lactate as the preservative?

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (78)

      Nana on June 14, 2016 at 12:32 pm

      no, I have not. Think I’ll go look it up and see what other lotion makers have to say about it…

      • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (79)

        Kristy on June 15, 2016 at 5:36 pm

        Well, never mind. I did and it’s starting to smell strange. How long does your lotion last made with germaben? On the counter or in the fridge? I bought the other stuff because it was cheaper. Before I spend more money and buy germaben for $20, I want to make sure it will last a little while.

        • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (80)

          Kristy on June 15, 2016 at 7:12 pm

          How about optiphen? I saw a recipe called for that instead of Germaben.

  32. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (81)

    Julie on June 25, 2016 at 1:01 am

    I just tried your goats milk lotion recipe and I love it! Perfect for right before bed to really let it soak in. However, it’s pretty greasy, it leaves my skin very shiny. Do you have a recipe for lotion that can be applied under makeup? Also, I want to try my hand at soap making, what is that awesome looking bar that you have in many of your pictures. Do you have a recipe for it posted?

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (82)

      Nana on July 13, 2016 at 9:31 pm

      Julie, the lotion is pretty “greasy” I believe that is because there is so much coconut oil in it. Coconut oil is super good for your skin. You might, however, want to experiment with other oils that don’t leave you feeling as greasy.

  33. Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (83)

    FarmHer Caitlin on October 30, 2016 at 12:46 am

    Obviously this was posted years ago. But I think the response could be useful to others —
    If you’ve been using beeswax, that’s likely your problem. Try using emulsifying wax instead. The idea that beeswax can be used as an emulsifier substitute is incorrect.
    And I’ll add that I always use a stick blender. Never had a problem.

    • Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (84)

      Nana on October 30, 2016 at 12:51 am

      Thank you for adding this helpful insight


  1. 4H Making Goats Milk Lotion With The Girls | Hart Nana - […] a great experience we had last night making goat milk lotion with the 4H gals here in town. Such…
  2. How To Milk A Goat Without A Stand - […] seven is to either refrigerate your milk or freeze it our make soap with it or cheese or lotion.…
  3. Goat Milk Uses: 23 Genius Ways to Utilize Goat Milk - […] I can turn to which includes homegrown products is exactly what I want. Here is a great recipe for…
Goat Milk Lotion Recipe (2024)


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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Views: 6172

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.