How to use Mimu Bot Discord [ Mimu Bot Commands ] - ExploringBits (2024)

Mimu bot is an excellent discord bot with a fantastic economy ecosystem and intensive ways to interact with your pet and set welcome and goodbye messages for your server. You can own your shops and buy and sell items in exchange for currency.

This guide has covered many how-tos regarding the Mimu bot and has a complete list of all commands. This post is the all-in-one guide you need to use Mimu Bot on your discord server.


Mimu Bot Discord Features

How to use Mimu Bot Discord [ Mimu Bot Commands ] - ExploringBits (1)

The features Mimu bot offers and those that have made it popular over Discord include the per-server currency economy system.

The bot also offers hotlinks from more than 60+ countries.

Getting to its commands like every Discord bot has, the commands here on Mimu are simple and easy to grasp.

The bot also offers the facility to create custom commands or customize the existing ones as per their choice. This feature is the one that has led to the rapid growth of the Mimu bot.

Along with these, the bot also offers a fantastic autoresponder feature for its users.

The bot is also said to be the most widely configurable bot over Discord, and one can easily have all the bot’s settings under just a single command.

One of the most premium features of the bot includes allowing users to create their shops where they can sell roles, items, prestige, and perks.

If you like to play with a currency economy bot like Mimu, then the Owo bot is just what you want. The OWO also has its currency called cowoncy. You can use this currency for various purposes, such as in battle, buying weapons, equipment, etc.

Mimu bot has an excellent user-friendly, cute, and attractive interface that can quickly grab anyone’s attention. The bot is one of the modern bots that runs smoothly and has an easy-to-use interface and commands.

The Mimu bot has an excellent support community that is supportive in any manner.

The bot is continuously at your service with a 24/7 working staff, the rapid development of new features, and continuous deployment to let its users benefit from the bot.

You must try out Mimu Bot at least once on your server, and you can make the best out of it.

How to use Mimu Bot Discord

Mimu Bot is popularly used for creating welcome and goodbye messages using embed and reaction roles. It is also used for verification, Currency economy, pets, and many more.

The Mimu Bot team also has created intensive documentation for setting up the bot. You can also look for Mimu Bot documentation for more help.

We will discuss the various How-tos which will help you set up Mimu Bot with the above-mentioned features.

How to use Mimu bot for Reaction Roles

You can create Mimu Bot’s self-role embedded with a reaction role with YAGDB Bot.

Watch the video below if you are doing this for the first time. It will detail the steps below.

  1. Go to settings in your discord server.
  2. Select Roles in the left sidebar.
  3. Create your new custom roles.
  4. Use the ‘/create embed’ command to generate a new embed.
  5. Use ‘/create embed title’ and ‘/create embed description’ to update the role.
  6. Enter the role created in Step 1 in the embed description.
  7. To create a reaction role, you will require YAGDB Bot.
  8. In the YAGDB Bot dashboard, under Tools & Utilities, select Role Command.
  9. You will have to create a new group and allot roles.
  10. Now type ‘/rolemenu create’ followed by the group created previously.
  11. Select the reaction to be added to the embed of Mimu Bot.
  12. Delete the YAGDB Bot message, and you are done.

You will have successfully created Mimu Bot’s embed containing reaction role using YAGDB Bot.

How to Make Welcome or Greet Message with Mimu Bot

You can create a welcome message embed with the Mimu bot. Watch Video and Follow the steps below.

  1. Create an embed with ‘/embed create’ and enter the name of the embed you want.
  2. Use ‘/embed edit author embed {embed_name} text {user_tag} icon {user_avatar}’ for embed to have user tag and avatar.
  3. Use ‘/embed edit description’ followed by the embed name to show the description for welcome messages.
  4. Add a thumbnail to your welcome message in embed by ‘/embed edit thumbnail’.
  5. Similarly, add the title to your embed by ‘/embed edit title’.
  6. When the embed editing is done, you must add the embed in the welcome channel.
  7. Use the ‘/set messages greetchannel’ channel to select the welcome channel.
  8. Use ‘/set messages greetmsg message Hi {user}! {embed:name_of_embed}’ to add embed in that channel.

How to Make Goodbye Message with Mimu Bot

You can Create goodbye message embed with the Mimu bot.

Watch Video and Follow the steps below.

  1. You must create a new embed for the goodbye message.
  2. We have already described embed creation in How to make welcome messages with Mimu.
  3. Follow Steps 1 to 5 under the welcome message heading and return here.
  4. When the embed is done, you must add the embed in the leave channel.
  5. Use the ‘/set messages leavechannel’ channel to select the goodbye channel.
  6. Use ‘/set messages leavemsg message see you soon {user}! {embed:name_of_embed}’ to add embed in that channel.

How to use Mimu bot for the verification system

You can use Mimu Bot for verification purposes.

It will involve creating the ‘verify’ reaction role with YAGDB Bot and embedding it with Mimu Bot in the channel.

We have explained the process of using the Mimu bot for setting reaction role.

Also, watch this video. It contains details for setting up the verification system with the Mimu bot.

How to add or invite Mimu bot on Discord

You must follow the steps below to add or invite Mimu Bot in your discord server. Whether you are windows, mac users, android users, or Linux, you must follow these simple steps, so let’s start.

How to use Mimu Bot Discord [ Mimu Bot Commands ] - ExploringBits (2)

  1. Click the above Invite Bot Button to add Mimu Bot to your server.
  2. Also, you can search for Mimu’s official Website, and click on the “Invite” Button.
  3. Then, go to the drop-down menu, select the server on which you want to add the “Mimu” bot, and click the “Continue” button. Next, select whichever server you use, Mac, Windows, or Linux.
  4. In the next step, you have to give all the necessary permissions to the Mimu bot and then click the “Authorize” button.
  5. After this, you will see a captcha box; you must do captcha verification by marking that box. For example, the snippet below will indicate that you have efficiently authorized the “Mimu” Bot in your Discord.
  6. Now, after this, you have to Search and open a Discord application with the help of the “startup” menu.
  7. In the following step, you must move toward the server where you have added the “Mimu” bot.
  8. By clicking on the highlighted icon below, you go to your member list. As soon as you reach your member list, you can see the “Mimu” bot has been added to your server successfully.

That’s all! We have explained to you very shortly how you can add the “Mimu” bot to your Discord. These are straightforward steps, with the help of which you can easily add or set up a “Mimu” bot to your discord server.

How To Remove Mimu Bot From Discord

It is a straightforward and short step, which will take you just a few seconds.

You have to go to your server’s member section, right-click on the “Mimu” bot, and then click on the “Kick Mimu”

This will not remove Mimu Bot permanently, it will only be removed from your server so that it can be added back later.

If you want to remove it permanently, you will have to ban Mimu Bot from your server.

How to Change Mimu Prefix

You cannot change Mimu Bot Prefix as it has moved from prefix to slash commands. Now, prefixes don’t exist.

How to use Mimu Bot Discord [ Mimu Bot Commands ] - ExploringBits (3)

How to add the Image to Mimu greet

To add an image to Mimu Greet Embed Message, use the ‘/embed edit image’ command.

How to make Mimu react to Messages

You will have to use YAGDB Bot to create reaction roles to which the Mimu bot can react.

How to Show Embed with Mimu Bot

To show the embed use the ‘/embed show’ command to view the embed.

How to Delete or Remove Mimu Greet Message

Use ‘/embed delete’ followed by the name of the greet embed to remove it.

How To Get Mimu Pet Tickets or premium service?

For every $5 you donate, you’ll receive a menu key that you can use to get ten pet tickets or one month of premium service. If you intend to pledge more, use the premium Mimu tier for additional benefits.

All Mimu Bot Discord Commands List

Mimu Bot has completely shifted to slash commands. Therefore, you don’t require any prefix to use these commands.

How to use Mimu Bot Discord [ Mimu Bot Commands ] - ExploringBits (4)

Earlier, the default prefix for Mimu Bot was Full Stop “.”

Now, you have to type the slash commands and select that specific command containing the Mimu Bot icon.

You can also view all these commands by typing slash ‘/’ and selecting the Mimu Bot icon from the left.

How to use Mimu Bot Discord [ Mimu Bot Commands ] - ExploringBits (5)

For simplicity, I have mentioned all the slash commands with categories for your ease.

Pet Commands

/activity breaktimehave a breaktime with your pet with food to extend its lifetime
/activity drawdraw with your pet!
/activity dreamhave a dream with another pet!
/activity exploreforage for pet food whilst exploring!
/activity fetchthrow a ball and have a classic ball game with your pet!
/activity healgo heal a friend’s struggling pet.
/activity hikego hiking with your pet!
/activity manifestmanifest good vibes with a friend!
/activity singsing with your pet!
/activity snoozehave a quick snooze with your pet!
/activity strollgo for a stroll with another pet.
/activity swimgo swimming with your pet!
/activity visitgo visit someone’s pet!
/blessa daily blessing to your friend to help them in their pet journey.
/blesslistsee who you’ve blessed today
/claim eliteclaims a mimu key to convert into pet elite membership.
/cozyget cozy with a few friends roasting marshmallows !
/disowndisown your pet 🙁
/elite checkcheck your pet elite status
/feedfeeds your pet with food to extend its lifetime
/petpet the bot for currency, or give it away to user specified
/playplay with your pet, make it happy and extend its lifetime
/playdatehave a playdate with another pet; adds lifetime to two pets!
/userset denypetactivitiesdeny pet activities
/votes buybuy from mimu’s pet shop
/votes shopbrowse from mimu’s pet shop

Economy Commands

/balanceshows yours, or a tagged person’s balance and inventory.
/clickcakespam-click for currency within a timeframe.
/coinflipgambles a given sum of money based off of your choice of heads or tails.
/dropdrop currency for other people to pick up in the channel!
/give currencygives some currency to the chosen user.
/give itemgives an item in your inventory to the chosen user.
/modifybal addadds currency for the user you specify.
/modifybal removeremoves currency for the user you specify.
/modifyrolebal addadds currency for the role you specify.
/modifyrolebal removeremoves currency for the role you specify.
/pickpick currency when the bot spawns it
/rolldicegambles a given sum of money
/slotstry your luck… and possibly earn a huge bag of money home.
/snugglesnuggle the bot for currency, or give it away to user specified
/tantrumthrows a tantrum for what you say

Shop Commands

/shop addadd an item to the shop
/shop buybuys an item from the shop in the server
/shop edit descriptionchange the description of a shop item
/shop edit disablegivedisable giving an item to someone else
/shop edit namechange the name of a shop item
/shop edit pricechange the price of a shop item
/shop edit removeroleset a role to be removed when an item is bought
/shop edit replychange the reply of a shop item
/shop edit requireroleset a role required to buy an item
/shop edit rolechange the role given from a shop item
/shop edit stockchange the stock of a shop item
/shop removeremove an item from the shop
/shop useuses an item in your inventory.
/shop viewpreviews the shop or a specified page

Setting Commands

/set activity activitychannelsadd or remove channels from the activity channels list
/set activity activityvalmaxset activityvalmax
/set activity activityvalminset activityvalmin
/set cooldowns dailycooldownset dailycooldown
/set cooldowns mallowcooldownset mallowcooldown
/set cooldowns workcooldownset workcooldown
/set currency betmaxset betmax
/set currency betminset betmin
/set currency dailyvalmaxset dailyvalmax
/set currency dailyvalminset dailyvalmin
/set currency mallowvalset mallowval
/set currency startvalset startval
/set currency symbolset the currency symbol
/set currency transfermaxset transfermax
/set currency transferminset transfermin
/set currency transfertaxset transfertax
/set currency workvalmaxset workvalmax
/set currency workvalminset workvalmin
/set messages boostchannelset boostchannel
/set messages boostmsgset boostmsg
/set messages greetchannelset greetchannel
/set messages greetmsgset greetmsg
/set messages leavechannelset leavechannel
/set messages leavemsgset leavemsg
/set misc blacklistprevent mimu from responding in certain channels
/set misc confirmbuyset confirmbuy
/set misc devmodeset devmode
/set misc embedcolorset the default embed color
/set misc roleincomeset roleincome
/set misc saveonleaveset saveonleave
/set pick pickchannelsadd or remove channels from the pick channels list
/set pick pickhardmake picking more difficult
/set pick pickspeedset the pick speed
/set pick picktypeset the pick type
/set pick pickvalmaxset pickvalmax
/set pick pickvalminset pickvalmin
/userset dividerset a divider
/userset viewsee your current settings
/userset voteremindset reminders to vote for mimu

Reset Commands

/reset server allresets everything in the server
/reset server autorespondersresets all of a server’s autoresponders
/reset server balancesresets all of a server’s balances
/reset server embedsresets all of a server’s embeds
/reset server eventsresets all of a server’s events
/reset server inventoriesresets all of a server’s inventories
/reset server settingsresets all of a server’s settings
/reset server shopresets all of a server’s shop items
/reset user allresets a user’s balance and inventory
/reset user balanceresets a user’s balance
/reset user inventoryresets a user’s inventory

Utility Commands

/cooldownscheck your own cooldowns for this server!
/donatedonate to mimubot
/event endends an event
/helpgives you general help to get you started
/invitesends a link on how to invite mimu.
/leaderboardpreview the leaderboard, or shows the leaderboard page specified.
/pingpings the bot, returns latencies, and stats
/settingsview mimu settings
/supportsends you a link to the bot’s support server
/variablesgives you a list of valid placeholders and functions for autoresponder, embed and more …

Auto Responder Commands

/autoresponder listlist the autoresponders your server has
/autoresponder showshow an autoresponder
/autoresponder showrawshow an autoresponder’s raw reply
/autoresponder addadd an autoresponder
/autoresponder editreplyedit the reply of an autoresponder
/autoresponder editmatchmodeedit the match mode of an autoresponder
/autoresponder removeremove an autoresponder

Embed Commands

/embed createcreate a new embed
/embed deletedelete an embed
/embed edit authoredit the embed author
/embed edit coloredit the embed color
/embed edit descriptionedit the embed description
/embed edit footeredit the embed footer
/embed edit imageedit the embed image
/embed edit thumbnailedit the embed thumbnail
/embed edit timestampedit the embed timestamp
/embed edit titleedit the embed title
/embed listlist embeds
/embed showpreview an embed
/event startstarts an event

Test Commands

/test boosttest boost message.
/test greettest greet message.
/test leavetest leave message.

Claim Commands

/claim ticketsclaims a mimu key to convert into tickets.
/claim premiumclaims a mimu key to convert into premium for a month for the server it was ran in.
/claim promoclaim a promo code!
/elite dailyclaim your daily elite perks
/elite namechangeclaim your namechange elite perk

Stars Command

/stars infotells you what stars are
/stars shopview the stars shop
/stars buybuy from the stars shop
/wishmake a wish upon the glittering nightsky. only available from 7:00PM to 4:59AM UTC.

Reminder Commands

/reminders listlist your upcoming reminders
/reminders setremind yourself to do something !
/reminders removeremove a reminder

Vote Commands

/voteposts a promotional vote message
/votes givegive tickets to someone else
/votes leaderboardcheck the ticket leaderboard

Premium Commands

/premiumset activitycooldownset activity cooldown
/premiumset blacklistmsgset blacklist warning
/premiumset discountpercentset discount percent
/premiumset discountuntilset how long the discount should last
/premiumset leaderboardentriesset amount of entries for leaderboard
/premiumset leaderboardfooterset footer for leaderboard
/premiumset leaderboardheaderset header for leaderboard
/premiumset shopentriesset amount of entries for shop
/premiumset shopheaderset header for shop
/premiumset shopimageset shop image
/premiumset shopnameset shop name
/premiumset shopthumbnailset shop thumbnail
/premiumset slotsemotesset slots emotes
/premiumsettingsview mimu premium settings

Mimu Bot Not Working – Here’s What you can Do?

1- Sometimes the Mimu Bot might have issues, such as it may not respond and it may be offline. You can check the Bot Status in their Support Server.

2- Also, make sure that you have provided sufficient permissions to the Mimu Bot, it can be done in the settings tab.

3- Verify that the bot is listed among the users. If your current channel is not visible, the bot cannot access it. Send the bot a card through direct messaging, like Chromanticore. If the bot replies, the issue is with your server permissions.


Discord is a fantastic platform for constructing groups or Communities between random people who share common interests. This element has been a special bond for discovering the digital world, interacting with strangers, and picking up new knowledge. Due to the wide selection of bots and games that Discord now provides, gamers are becoming increasingly interested in it.

Mimu is also one of those tremendous bots that give you the benefit of all these things. This article has told you in detail how you can use the Mimu bot. We hope the article was beneficial to you and you liked it.

How to use Mimu Bot Discord [ Mimu Bot Commands ] - ExploringBits (6)

Aayush Kumar Gupta

Aayush Kumar Gupta is the founder and creator of ExploringBits, a website dedicated to providing useful content for people passionate about Engineering and Technology. Aayush has completed his Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering) from 2018-2022. From July 2022, Aayush has been working as a full-time Devops Engineer.

How to use Mimu Bot Discord [ Mimu Bot Commands ] - ExploringBits (2024)


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