Mr. Clever's Invention/Transcript (2024)

This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Mr. Clever's Invention." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Little Miss Star Goes to Jollywood"Next: "Little Miss Chatterbox Finds her Calling"

UK Dub[]

(The title card appears)

Narrator: Mr. Clever's Invention

(The title card disappears)

(The episode begins at a house where the blue girl is serving Mr. Grumble some tea)

Narrator: Today, Little Miss Giggles has invited Mr. Grumble around for a cup of tea.

(Little Miss Giggles walks in with the tea and pours some into Mr. Grumble's cup)

Little Miss Giggles: (giggles) Do you believe of all this alien business, Mr. Grumble? (giggles)

(Mr. Grumble stirs his tea)

Mr. Grumble: What alien business?

Miss Giggles: There have been a lot of sightings of a mysterious object flying over Misterland! (giggles)

(Mr. Grumble sips his tea)

Miss Giggles (offscreen): It's even been on the news!

Mr. Grumble: Then those TV reporters must take us for total fools!

(A loud thud is heard from outside and the whole house begins to shake)

Mr. Grumble: Ah!

Miss Giggles and Mr. Grumble: Oh!

(A large UFO lands outside Little Miss Giggles' house)

Miss Giggles: Woah! Look at that!

Mr. Grumble: Oh! (screams)

(Mr. Grumble runs around in a panic)

Mr. Grumble: (screams)

Miss Giggles: (gasps)

(The UFO door opens and a ladder comes out. Mr. Grumble appears from behind a wall)

Mr. Grumble: Quick! Come inside, Miss Giggles!

Miss Giggles: (giggles)

(Little Miss Giggles wipes her face)

Miss Giggles: I always wanted to meet a real Martian! (giggles)

(Little Miss Giggles gets up and leaves the house to meet the Martian. But it is not a Martian inside the UFO. It is Mr. Clever)

Miss Giggles (offscreen): Mr. Clever?!

Mr. Clever: (laughs) Hello everyone!

(Mr. Grumble walks out of the house)

Mr. Grumble: Do you think it's funny scaring people like that, Mr. Clever?

(Mr. Clever exits the UFO and climbs down the ladder)

Mr. Clever: You're looking at a unique invention! Yet another brilliant brainwave from yours truly. This is the fastest machine in the whole of Misterland! Come in! I'll show you around.

(Mr. Grumble and Little Miss Giggles look up at Mr. Clever's invention)

Mr. Grumble and Miss Giggles: (gasps)

(The scene transitions to Mr. Clever showing Little Miss Giggles and Mr. Grumble around his spaceship invention)

Mr. Grumble: Augh!

(A monitor turns on)

Mr. Clever: Look!

(Mr. Grumble and Little Miss Giggles turn to look at the monitor. The monitor shows pictures of icebergs and a desert. Mr. Clever points to the desert)

Mr. Clever (offscreen): This is the planet Mars.

(The monitor flashes to a picture of the moon)

Mr. Clever (offscreen): Which is millions of miles from Misterland.

(The monitor flashes to a picture of the planet Mars. Mr. Clever points to a button)

Mr. Grumble (offscreen): Oh!

Mr. Clever (offscreen): If I press this button, up! I'll be on Mars in several hours!

Mr. Grumble: Do you making fun of us, Mr. Clever? You're saying that if we press this button?

(Mr. Grumble accidentally pushes the button and the spaceship is activated)

Mr. Clever: No!

(The spaceship starts blasting off)

Mr. Grumble: (screams)

(Mr. Grumble starts running around in a panic)

Mr. Grumble: Let me out of here!

(Mr. Grumble runs to the exit but the door closes before he could leave. He even runs into the door. The spaceship blasts off. The scene transitions to a mysterious place that is covered in trash that evening. The spaceship lands and Mr. Clever, Mr. Grumble, and Little Miss Giggles wake up)

Mr. Grumble and Miss Giggles: (moans)

(Mr. Clever puts his hat back on, gets up and looks out the window)

Mr. Clever: We have made it! We are on Mars!

(Mr. Grumble and Little Miss Giggles look out another window)

Mr. Grumble: You can't see a thing! It's all dark!

(Mr. Clever walks passed Mr. Grumble and Little Miss Giggles)

Mr. Clever: Yes, well, now that we're here...

Miss Giggles: (gasps in awe)

Mr. Clever: Let's have a look around.

(Mr. Clever pushes a button to reveal a closet full of goggles and snorkels. Mr. Clever takes two pairs out)

Mr. Clever: (chuckles)

(The scene transitions to Mr. Clever and Little Miss Giggles wearing the goggles and snorkels. They are also tied together by a rope so they don't get separated)

Mr. Clever: Are you sure you won't come, Mr. Grumble?

Mr. Grumble: No way! I'm staying here!

Mr. Clever: Oh, as you like.

(Mr. Clever and Little Miss Giggles start leaving)

Mr. Clever: See you later, Mr. Grumble.

(Mr. Grumble changes his mind after realizing he'll be alone on the spaceship)

Mr. Grumble: Ooh! Hey! Wait for me! Hang on!

(Mr. Grumble chases after Mr. Clever and Little Miss Giggles. The spaceship door opens and the ladder comes out. Mr. Clever, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Grumble (the latter now tied to Mr. Clever and Little Miss Giggles and now wearing goggles and a snorkel) exit the spaceship, climb down the ladder and start looking around the strange place)

Miss Giggles: Oh! (giggles) This is spooky!

(Mr. Clever, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Grumble start walking around the area. Mr. Clever stops for a moment (causing Mr. Grumble and Little Miss Giggles to bump into each other) when he sees a red coil. Mr. Clever picks it up to see what it is)

Mr. Clever: What a strange object!

Mr. Grumble: Humph! It's only an old spring!

(Mr. Clever throws the spring away)

Mr. Clever: Now don't talk nonsense, Mr. Grumble! I'm absolutely convinced that we have landed amongst the people who are light years ahead of us!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Clever, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Grumble continuing their exploration)

Mr. Clever: Our object is to make contact with the local inhabitants.

(Little Miss Giggles sees something)

Miss Giggles: Look over there! I see someone!

(Walter the Worm pops out of a nearby hole)

Walter: Huh? Woah!

(Walter retreats back into the hole. Mr. Clever, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Grumble run over to the hole)

Mr. Clever: Oh, success! I just knew this planet was inhabited!

(Mr. Clever, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Grumble reach the hole and see that Walter is gone)

Mr. Clever: Drat! It just disappeared!

Miss Giggles: It looked like a worm to me! (giggles)

Mr. Clever: Don't be silly, Miss Giggles! It was a real genuine Martian, that's for sure! I know all about them!

(P.C. Whistle arrives)

PC Whistle: Stop where you are!

Mr. Grumble: (screams)

(Mr. Grumble, Mr. Clever, and Little Miss Giggles run away)

Mr. Grumble: Help! Martian! We're under attack!

(Mr. Grumble, Mr. Clever, and Little Miss Giggles are shown running away. P.C. Whistle chases after them)

PC Whistle: I arrest you in the name of the law!

Mr. Clever: Stop Mr. Grumble!

Mr. Grumble: I want to go home! To Misterland! To my house!

(Mr. Grumble, Mr. Clever, and Little Miss Giggles trip and fall into rubbish)

Mr. Grumble, Mr. Clever, and Little Miss Giggles: Woah!

Mr. Grumble: Woah-ooh!

Little Miss Giggles: (gasps!)

Mr. Clever: Oh!

(Mr. Grumble, Mr. Clever, and Little Miss Giggles are shown on the ground. PC Whistle catches up with Mr. Grumble, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Clever and shines his flashlight on them)

Mr. Grumble: Oh mercy please!

Mr. Clever: We come in peace! We don't mean any harm!

(Officer Whistle realizes who he has been chasing)

PC Whistle: Mr. Clever? Mr. Grumble? Little Miss Giggles?

(Mr. Grumble, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Clever stand up)

PC Whistle: What are you doing here?

Miss Giggles: (giggles) Visiting Mars, PC Whistle! (giggles) What are you doing up here?

PC Whistle: You're visiting Mars?

(Mr. Clever, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Grumble lead PC Whistle to the spaceship)

Mr. Clever: Thanks to this invention, yes, another of my brainwaves, we've covered the millions of miles between Misterland from the planet Mars in just three hours and 33 seconds precisely!

PC Whistle: But, you're in the public rubbish dump, Mr. Clever. Less than a mile from your house!

Mr. Grumble: (laughs) Three hours to go one mile?! (laughs) You're a real genius, Clever! (laughs)

Mr. Clever: I've must've made a mistake somewhere.

Mr. Grumble: And I'm glad you did!

(Mr. Clever becomes very annoyed)

Miss Giggles, and PC Whistle: (laughs) except Mr.Grumble

(Fade to black)

(Episode ends here)

US Dub[]

(The title card appears)

Narrator: Mr. Clever's Invention

(The title card disappears)

(The episode begins at Little Miss Giggles' house where Little Miss Giggles is serving Mr. Grumble some tea)

Narrator: Mr. Grumble has decided to spend a little quality time with Miss Giggles.

(Little Miss Giggles walks in with the tea and pours some into Mr. Grumble's cup)

Miss Giggles: (giggles) So what do you think of this alien business, Mr. Grumble? (giggles)

(Mr. Grumble stirs his tea)

Mr. Grumble: What alien business?

(Little Miss Giggles sits down)

Miss Giggles: There have been a lot of sightings of a mysterious object flying over Misterland! (giggles)

(Mr. Grumble sips his tea)

Miss Giggles (offscreen): It's even been on the news!

Mr. Grumble: Then those TV reporters must think we're really stupid!

(A loud thud is heard from outside and the whole house begins to shake)

Mr. Grumble: Ah!

Miss Giggles and Mr. Grumble: Oh!

(A large UFO lands outside Little Miss Giggles' house)

Miss Giggles: Woah! Look at that!

Mr. Grumble: Oh! (screams) Oh my!

(Mr. Grumble runs around in a panic)

Mr. Grumble: (screams)

Miss Giggles: Oh!

(The UFO door opens and a ladder comes out)

Mr. Grumble (offscreen): Run for it!

(Mr. Grumble appears from behind a wall)

Mr. Grumble: Quick! Get inside, Miss Giggles!

Miss Giggles: (giggles)

(Little Miss Giggles wipes her face)

Miss Giggles: I always wanted to meet a real Martian! (giggles)

(Little Miss Giggles gets up and leaves the house to meet the Martian. But it is not a Martian inside the UFO. It is Mr. Clever)

Miss Giggles (offscreen): Mr. Clever?!

Mr. Clever: (laughs) Hello everyone!

(Mr. Grumble walks out of the house)

Mr. Grumble: Do you think it's funny scaring people like that, Mr. Clever?

(Mr. Clever exits the UFO and climbs down the ladder)

Mr. Clever: You're looking at a unique invention! Another brilliant piece of work if I do say so. This is the fastest machine anywhere in Misterland! Come in! I'll show you around.

(Mr. Grumble and Little Miss Giggles look up at Mr. Clever's invention)

Mr. Grumble: (gasps)

Miss Giggles: Ah!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Clever showing Little Miss Giggles and Mr. Grumble around his spaceship invention)

Mr. Grumble: Ooh!

(A monitor turns on)

Mr. Clever: Look!

(Mr. Grumble and Little Miss Giggles turn to look at the monitor)

Miss Giggles: (giggles)

(The monitor shows pictures of icebergs and a desert. Mr. Clever points to the desert)

Mr. Clever (offscreen): This is the planet Mars.

(The monitor flashes to a picture of the moon)

Mr. Clever (offscreen): The moon, which is millions of miles from Misterland.

(The monitor flashes to a picture of the planet Mars. Mr. Clever points to a button)

Mr. Grumble (offscreen): Oh!

Mr. Clever (offscreen): If I press this button, whoosh! We will be on Mars in a few hours!

Mr. Grumble: Are you making fun of us, Mr. Clever? You're saying that if we press this button?

(Mr. Grumble accidentally pushes the button and the spaceship is activated)

Mr. Clever: No!

(The spaceship starts blasting off)

Mr. Grumble and Miss Giggles: (screams)

(Mr. Grumble starts running around in a panic)

Mr. Grumble, Mr. Clever, and Miss Giggles: (screams)

Mr. Grumble: Get me out of here!

(Mr. Grumble runs to the exit but the door closes before he could leave. He even runs into the door)

Mr. Grumble: Woah! Ooh!

(The spaceship blasts off. The scene transitions to a mysterious place that is covered in trash that evening. The spaceship lands and Mr. Clever, Mr. Grumble, and Little Miss Giggles wake up)

Mr. Grumble and Miss Giggles: (moans)

(Mr. Clever puts his hat back on)

Miss Giggles and Mr. Grumble: Oh!

(Mr. Clever gets up and looks out the window)

Mr. Clever: Oh! We've made it! We're on Mars!

(Mr. Grumble and Little Miss Giggles look out another window)

Mr. Grumble: I can't see a thing! It's too dark!

(Mr. Clever walks passed Mr. Grumble and Little Miss Giggles)

Mr. Clever: Well, now that we're here...

Miss Giggles: (gasps in awe)

Mr. Clever: Let's at least have a look around.

(Mr. Clever pushes a button to reveal a closet full of goggles and snorkels. Mr. Clever takes two pairs out)

Mr. Clever: (chuckles)

(The scene transitions to Mr. Clever and Little Miss Giggles wearing the goggles and snorkels. They are also tied together by a rope so they don't get separated)

Mr. Clever: Are you sure you won't come, Mr. Grumble?

Mr. Grumble: No way! I'm staying here!

Mr. Clever: (sighs)

(Mr. Clever and Little Miss Giggles start leaving)

Mr. Clever: Well, we'll see you later.

(Mr. Grumble changes his mind after realizing he'll be alone on the spaceship)

Mr. Grumble: Ooh! Hey! Uh, guys! Wait for me!

(Mr. Grumble chases after Mr. Clever and Little Miss Giggles)

Mr. Grumble: Hang on!

(The spaceship door opens and the ladder comes out. Mr. Clever, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Grumble (the latter now tied to Mr. Clever and Little Miss Giggles and now wearing goggles and a snorkel) exit the spaceship, climb down the ladder and start looking around the strange place)

Miss Giggles: Ooh! (giggles) This is spooky!

(Mr. Clever, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Grumble start walking around the area. Mr. Clever stops for a moment (causing Mr. Grumble and Little Miss Giggles to bump into each other) when he sees a red coil. Mr. Clever picks it up to see what it is)

Mr. Clever: Oh! What a strange object!

Mr. Grumble: Humph! It's only an old spring!

(Mr. Clever throws the spring away)

Mr. Clever: You have no vision, Mr. Grumble! I'm convinced that we have landed amongst the people who are highly intelligent and our light years ahead of us!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Clever, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Grumble continuing their exploration)

Mr. Clever: Our job is to make first contact with the local inhabitants.

(Little Miss Giggles sees something)

Miss Giggles: Over there! (giggles) I see someone!

(Walter the Worm pops out of a nearby hole)

Walter: Huh? Woah!

(Walter retreats back into the hole. Mr. Clever, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Grumble run over to the hole)

Mr. Clever: Ah-ha! I just knew this planet was inhabited!

(Mr. Clever, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Grumble reach the hole and see that Walter is gone)

Mr. Clever: Oh! It just disappeared!

Miss Giggles: It looked like a worm to me! (giggles)

Mr. Clever: Ridiculous, Miss Giggles! It was a real genuine Martian, that's for sure! I know all about them!

(Officer Whistle arrives)

Officer Whistle: Stop where you are!

Mr. Grumble, Mr. Clever, and Miss Giggles: (screams)

(Mr. Grumble, Mr. Clever, and Little Miss Giggles run away)

Miss Giggles (offscreen): Woah!

Mr. Grumble (offscreen): Martian! Run for it!

(Mr. Grumble, Mr. Clever, and Little Miss Giggles are shown running away)

Mr. Grumble, Mr. Clever, and Miss Giggles: (screams)

(Officer Whistle chases after them)

Officer Whistle: Stop! In the name of the law!

Mr. Clever: Oh! Stop, Mr. Grumble!

Mr. Grumble: I want to go home! To Misterland! To my house!

(Mr. Grumble, Mr. Clever, and Little Miss Giggles trip and fall into trash)

Mr. Grumble, Mr. Clever, and Little Miss Giggles: Woah!

Mr. Grumble: Woah-ooh!

(Mr. Grumble, Mr. Clever, and Little Miss Giggles are shown on the ground)

Miss Giggles: Help!

Mr. Clever: Attack! Help!

Mr. Grumble: Help!

Miss Giggles: Help us!

Mr. Grumble: Mercy, please!

Mr. Clever: Help!

(Officer Whistle catches up with Mr. Grumble, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Clever and shines his flashlight on them)

Mr. Grumble: Oh please! Don't hurt us!

Mr. Clever: We come in peace! We don't mean any harm!

(Officer Whistle realizes who he has been chasing)

Officer Whistle: Mr. Clever? Mr. Grumble? Little Miss Giggles?

(Mr. Grumble, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Clever stand up)

Officer Whistle: What are you doing here?

Miss Giggles: (giggles) Visiting Mars, Officer Whistle! (giggles) What are you doing up here?

Officer Whistle: You say you're visiting Mars?

(Mr. Clever, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Grumble lead Officer Whistle to the spaceship)

Mr. Clever: Thanks to this spaceship, yet another of my inventions, we've covered the millions of miles between Misterland and the planet Mars in just three hours and 33 seconds precisely!

Officer Whistle: Hey! You're in the public garbage dump, Mr. Clever. Less than a mile from your house!

Mr. Grumble: (laughs) Three hours to go one mile?! (laughs) You're a real genius, Clever! (laughs)

Mr. Clever: I've must've made a mistake somewhere.

Mr. Grumble: And I'm very glad you did!

(Mr. Clever becomes very annoyed)

Miss Giggles, PC Whistle: (laughs) except Mr. Grumble

Mr. Clever: Humph!

(Fade to black)

(Episode ends here)

Site navigation

Mr. Men and Little Miss Transcripts
Pilot EpisodeLittle Miss Splendid's Gift
Season 1The Joke is On Little Miss Naughty | Hurry Mr. Rush...autumn is coming! | One day in the life of Mr. Perfect | Mr. Uppity's Big House | Little Miss Busy takes a break | Mr. Mischief is caught at his own game | Little Miss Tidy loses a friend | Mr. Funny puts on a show | An unforgettable sunday for Miss Tiny | Mr. Chatterbox loses his voice | He...Hello Little Miss Shy | An Invitation for Mr. Messy
Season 2Mr. Bump goes on a trip | Mr. Dizzy goes Doggy—sitting | What a choice for little Miss Fickle! | Happy Christmas Mr. Worry | Mr. Nosey Solves a Mystery | No food is no fun for Mr. Greedy | A Special Friend For Little Miss Lucky | Mr. Daydream Talks to the Stars | That's Enough, Little Miss Bossy | Mr. Forgetful...Hey waiter! | Mr. Jelly's Show of Bravery | Mr. Strong: King of the Circus | Mr. Nonsense Rows to the Moon | Little Miss Sunshine Brings A Smile | Mr. Fussy Takes a Well—Earned Break | Mr. Clumsy in the Brains and the Brawn | Mr. Brave Goes Ghost Hunting | Isn't Little Miss Trouble Kind... | A Week—End with Little Miss Contrary | Golly, Mr. Grumpy's Smiling | Mr. Lazy Can't Sleep Anymore | Mr. Small's Big Dream | Mr. Bounce Finds Paradise | What a Question, Little Miss Curious! | Little Miss Stubborn Goes Right to the Bitter End | Little Miss Greedy... Belle of the Ball | Mr. Tickle Saves the Day | Little Miss Wise's Crazy Day! | A Rival for Little Miss Somersault | Little Miss Star, the Leading Witness | Little Miss Late Beats Them All! | Mr. Skinny Is Up the Spout | That's Gratitude, Mr. Uppity! | Little Miss Neat Sees Spots | Mr. Grumble Boils Over
Season 3Another Victory for Little Miss Splendid | A Surprise for Mr. Tall | Mr. Cheerful Doffs His Hat | Little Miss Scatterbrain Puts Everything in Turmoil | A Very Happy Day for Mr. Happy | Mr. Clever's Daft Bet | What a Mess, Little Miss Helpful! | Little Miss Tidy and the Winning Ticket | Mr. Dizzy Promises the Moon | Mr. Forgetful, the World's Best Actor! | Hello, Pizza Express? | Mr. Clumsy, Head Butler | Mr. Impossible's Lesson | Little Miss Star Goes to Jollywood | Mr. Clever's Invention | Little Miss Chatterbox Finds her Calling | Mr. Skinny's Incredible Bet | A Job for Little Miss Giggles | Little Miss Busy, D.I.Y Teacher | Little Miss Chatterbox Goes to Sea—Town | Mr. Lazy Takes an Afternoon Nap | Mr. Brave vs. Koko the Gorilla | Little Miss Naughty Goes Skiing | Little Miss Dotty Goes to Home Farm | Mr. Nonsense's Strange Illness | Mr. Mean hasn't a Penny Left | Little Miss Wise's Day Out at the Fun Fair | Mr. Grumble's Holiday | Little Miss Greedy's Strange Illness | Mr. Slow Takes the Lead | Mr. Strong Makes a Big Splash | Mr. Perfect Goes West | Little Miss Magic to the Rescue | Mr. Silly's Silly Secret | Mr. Chatterbox and the Parrot | Little Miss Late Finally Catches Up | Mr. Noisy, the music man | Mr. Muddle Goes Skating | Little Miss Helpful Goes to the Fair | Mr. Worry and the Giant | Mr. Greedy Goes to a Dinner Party | Little Miss Bossy Has a Busy Day | Mr. Bump Has an Accident | Mr. Small Finds a Job | Mr. Nosey Goes Fishing | Little Miss Trouble and the magic paint | It's Very Noisy for Mr. Quiet | Mr. Mischief Becomes an Artist | Lunch with Little Miss Tiny | Mr. Clever Flies His Kite | Thank Goodness For Mr. Slow | Little Miss Shy Goes to the Fair | A New House for Mr. Wrong | Happy Birthday Little Miss Scatterbrain | Mr. Jelly Goes Time—Travelling | A Big Surprise for Mr. Mean
SpecialsThe Christmas Rescue|The Great Alphabet Hunt|The Christmas Letter
Mr. Clever's Invention/Transcript (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.