Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (2024)

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Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (1)

Takuan (沢庵), also known as takuwan or takuan-zuke, is a popular traditional Japanese pickle. It is made from daikon radish. In addition to being served alongside other types of tsukemono/Japanese-style pickles in traditional Japanese cuisine, takuan is also enjoyed at the end of meals as it is thought to aid digestion.

Takuan is made by first hanging a daikon radish in the sun for a few weeks until it becomes flexible. Next, the daikon is placed in a pickling crock and covered with a mix of salt, rice bran, optionally sugar, daikon greens, kombu/Dry seaweed, and perhaps chilli pepper and/or dried persimmon peels/even flowers for colouring. A weight is then placed on top of the crock, and the daikon is allowed to pickle for several months. The finished takuan is usually yellow in colour, although most mass-produced takuan rely on food coloring for this effect.

Takuan is popular also in South Korea, and is called danmuji (단무지). It is used as a filling for gimbap, or as an accompaniment to Korean dishes, typically jajangmyeon.

Here is a simple basic recipe to make when you get hold of plenty cheap daikon. Since it is vegan in nature, it shoild please everyone!
Check the extra recipe for ideas!

INGREDIENTS: Bear in mind that the bigger the batch, the better!

-Daikon: 10~15 with their leaves!
-Rice bran: 15 % of the dried daikon weight
-Salt: 6% of the dried daikon weight
-Brown Sugar: half a tablespoon
-Chili pepper: half one, chopped, fresh
-Konbu/dry seaweed: 3~5 cm piece chopped thin
-Fruit peel (persimmon, orange according to colour): 2 fruits
-White sugar: 1 tablespoon per daikon


Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (2)

Wash the daikon with their leaves. It is important to dry them with their leaves as to prevent a loos in quality. Place them to dry in a spot well exposed to the sun and wind. Let them dry for 1~2 weeks. Bring them inside at night if you think morning dew will come on them!
They will be ready the moment they bend easily.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (3)

-Wipe daikon with a clean towel.
Weight the daikon then and prepare rice bran (15% of daikon weight) and salt (6% of daikon weight).

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (4)

-Cut the leaves with the end of the daikon. Cut enough of the daikon so that the leaves hold together. Put leaves aside. You will use them later!

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (5)

-Put each daikon (work on one at a time) on a working table. Roll it by solidly pressing your palms on the daikon all along its length to soften evental hard spots and even the humidity inside.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (6)

-In a separate bowl pour in the rice bran, salt, brown sugar, chopped konbu/seaweed, chopped chili pepper and white sugar. Mix well.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (7)

-Use a large pickles jar/bucket.
First line the bottom with some of the pickle mixture.
Line a first layer of daikon, leaving as little sapce between as possible.
Sprinkle with pickle mixture.
Fill any space left with the daikon leaves.
Repeat same procedure with the rest of the daikon.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (8)

-Line the top with the remaining daikon leaves.
Press down with your hands, putting all your weight behind your hands.
Sprinkle some extra salt over the top to prevent mold from forming.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (9)

You can use a special pickle vat as in picture above and screw down the lid for maximum pressure.
If you uve a normal vat, plce a clean wooden or plastic circle on top of the daikon and lay a weight/stone at least 3 times the weight of the daikon.
In the latter case cover with newspaper and a lid to prevent any dust insid.e

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (10)

-Pickle for 4 weeks in winter, or 3 weeks in summer.
Clean them quickly in clean cold running water before cutting and serving them!

SECOND RECIPE: Traditional but the process is the same!

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (11)


-1) Dried daikon: 12 kg
-2) Rice bran: 1.5 kg
-3) Salt: 720 g
-4) Kaki/Persimmon (frozen): 5~6
-Chili peppers: 10 (cut in halves9
-Konbu/seaweed: 40 cm (to be chopped)

Look at the pictures, the process is the same!

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (12)


Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (13)

Soft enough to bend

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (14)

Cutting the leaves away

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (15)

Pickle mixture

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (16)

Pickle mixture added with kobu, chili peppers and persimmons

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (17)

Fitting the daikon in tightly

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (18)

Covering with the pickle mixture

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (19)

Covering with the leaves

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (20)

Putting the weights on top!

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (21)

Two months later.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (22)

Washed, cut and served!

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (23)

Le Takuan (沢庵), aussi appelé takuwan ou takuan-zuke est un pickle traditionnel japonais courant ! Il est fait à partir de radis japonais daikon et est servi avec d’autres légumes vinaigrés dans les plats traditionnels japonais. On peut aussi le consomme en fin de repas étant donné qu’il est réputé pour favoriser la digestion !

Tout d’abord il vous faudra suspendre le radis au soleil pendant quelques semaines pour qu’il soit plus maléable, ensuite il faudra le placé dans un pot de fermentation recouvert d’un mélange de sel, de son de riz, et à votre goût du sucre, d’algue kombu ou autre algue séchée ou du piment, de la peau de kaki et même des fleurs qui donneront de la couleur à votre ouvrage ! La plupart des takuan utilisent la couleur comme argument de vente !

On trouve le Takuan en Corée du Sud sous le nom de danmuji (단무지) souvent utilisé comme garniture pour le gimbap ou en accompagnement d’autres plats tels que lejajangmyeon.

Voici une recette simple et utile si vous mettez la main sur plein de daikon, ou alors les obtenez à bon prix !. Une recette végétarienne qui devrait vous donner des idées.

INGREDIENTS: Gardez à l’esprit que plus c’est gros, mieux c’est !

-Daikon: 10~15 avec leurs feuilles!
-Son de riz: 15 % du poids des daikon
-Sel: 6% du poids des daikon secs
-Sucre brun: la moitié d’une cuillère à soupe
-Piment: Une demi piment frais et haché
-Konbu/algue sèche: 3~5 cm haché finement
-Peua de fruits : (selon la couleur que vous voudrez, kaki ou orange): 2 fruits
-Sucre blanc: 1 cuillère à soupe par légume

Première recette :

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (24)

Lavez le daikon avec ses feuilles. Il est important qu’ils soient séchés avec le feuilles pour ne pas qu’ils perdent en qualité. Mettez-les dans un un endroit sec et bien exposé au soleil et au vent. Laissez les sécher pendant une ou deux semaines. Ramnez les dans l’intérieur de la maison pendant la nuit si vous pensez que la rosée va les endommager ! Ils seront considérés comme prêts une fois que vous pourrez les plier facilement.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (25)

Essuyez-les avec un linge propre et pesez-le pour faire en sorte que le son de riz en pèse 15 pour cent et 6 pour cent de sel.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (26)

Coupez les feuilles à l’extrémitié du daikon. Coupez-le assez pour que les feuilles restent liées entre elles et gardez-les de côté pour une utilisation ultérieure.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (27)

Mettez chaque daikon (maniez-en un seul à la fois) sur un plan de travail. Roulez-le fermement avec vos paumes et sur toute sa longueur pour ramollir les nœuds un peu trop durs et en retirer l’humidité.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (28)

Dans un récipient séparé, mettez le son de riz, le sucre brun, les algues hachées finement, les piments et le sucre blanc. Mélangez bien.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (29)

Prenez ensuite un gros récipient, et au premier étage mettez vos pickles en faisant en sorte que ce premier étage ait peut d’espace entre ses pickles. Saupoudrez-le avec la mixture et remplissez les espaces avec les feuilles. Refaire cette procédure avec tous les daikons que vous avez sous la main.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (30)

Couvrez le dessus avec le reste de vos feuilles de daiko, et appuyez de tout votre poids. Saupoudrez de sel pour éviter la moisissure.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (31)

Vous pouvez utiliser un accessoir pour pickles comme celui ci-dessus pour un maximum de pression, il suffira de placer un bout de bois propre ou de plastique au dessus des daikons ainsi qu’une pierre d’environs trois fois le poids des radis japonais ! Dans ce cas il faudra couvrir avec des journaux pour bloquer l’entrée de particules étrangères.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (32)

-Pickle for 4 weeks in winter, or 3 weeks in summer.
Clean them quickly in clean cold running water before cutting and serving them!

Laissez fermenter tout ce beau monde 4 semaines en hiver et 3 en été. Nettoyez les ensuite rapidement avec de l’eau froide avant de les couper et les servir.

Deuxième recette: La méthode à l’ancienne, mais qui suit un peu le même processus !

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (33)


-Son de riz: 1,5 kg
-Sel: 720grammes
Piment: Une dizaine coupés en moitié
-Konbu/algue sèche: 40 cm à hacher
– Kaki (congelés) : 5 ou

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (34)


Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (35)

On vérifie la flexibilité !

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (36)

On coupe les feuilles !

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (37)

La mixture à pickles!

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (38)

Avec les algues, les kakis et les piments.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (39)

On serre les daikons !

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (40)

On couvre le tout avec la mixture !

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (41)

Puis les feuilles !

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (42)

On met un peu de poids là dessus.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (43)

Et voici après deux mois.

Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (44)

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Takuan/Japanese Pickled Daikon: Basic Recipe/ Pickle de radis japonais : Takuan ! (2024)


How do you eat takuan? ›

Most often takuan is eaten as a snack or as one of many side dishes eaten alongside a main meal. It is also found in sushi rolls like oshinko-maki which is sushi rice rolled with takuan and wrapped with seaweed.

How many calories in a Japanese pickled daikon radish? ›

Eden Foods Japanese Traditional Imported Specialty Pickled Daikon Radish (2 slices) contains 1g total carbs, 1g net carbs, 0g fat, 0g protein, and 5 calories.

How long does homemade takuan last? ›

Transfer pickles to quart jars and cover tightly. Takuan pickles will last for months stored in the refrigerator.

What do you eat pickled daikon with? ›

Ideal for beginners who are new to pickling vegetables. Extremely versatile. Not only does it complement Japanese meals, but the sweet and tangy flavor also goes well with many Asian dishes. You could serve it with a rice meal or even as an accompaniment to your Asian-style pulled pork or meatball sandwiches.

Why do my pickled radishes stink? ›

The nitriles are the predominant product formed under acidic conditions, such as pickling. Radishes, along with daikon and turnips, contain particular glucosinolates that produce rather evil-smelling nitriles in the presence of an acid like vinegar.

Is pickled radish good for your gut? ›


The pickling period produces healthy microorganisms that help balance bacteria in the body. A healthy gut supports many of the body's functions like maintaining a strong immune system.

Is it okay to eat pickled radish everyday? ›

They are just as nutritious as fresh vegetables. That being said, it is worth noting that the pickling process does use a lot of salt and sugar. It is important to keep this in mind and, just like everything else, eat pickled radishes in moderation.

Is Japanese pickled radish healthy? ›

Pickled Radish

Beneficial to health, takuan is very rich in vitamin B. It is one of the most traditional of Japanese pickles and is named after the Buddhist priest who is said to have introduced the food.

Does takuan need to be refrigerated? ›

Modern commercial takuan is sliced and vacuum packed, so while it can survive room temperatures unopened, once the package is broken, it's better to refrigerate it if not consumed immediately, as with other pickles.

Does takuan go bad? ›

These pickles are best kept in the fridge, and we don't recommend freezing them. They have a long shelf life, so this shouldn't be an issue. How long does pickled daikon last? We recommend eating your takuan within 1-3 months, while it's still nice and crunchy and keeps the best flavour.

Is takuan good for you? ›

Takuan is a great source of dietary fiber, vitamins B and C, potassium, folate, and probiotic bacteria. Some health benefits include lowering cholesterol levels, preventing some cancers, improving the immune system, and aiding digestion. Compared to other tsukemono, it's low in calories and carbohydrates.

What do Koreans eat with pickled radish? ›

In South Korea, pickled yellow radish slices are served when eating jajangmyeon, a black noodle dish. The round cylinder-shaped pickled radish is cut in half lengthwise and served thinly sliced. Simply put, it is half-moon shaped. Sprinkle with vinegar to enhance the sour taste.

How long does pickled daikon last in fridge? ›

Press a paper towel directly against the surface of the brine and let cool to room temperature, 1 to 2 hours. Transfer pickles and brine to an airtight glass container and store in the refrigerator. (The turmeric will stain a plastic container yellow.) Pickles will last about 1 month.

Is pickled radish healthy for weight loss? ›

Eating pickled radish can be a healthy addition to your diet, as it provides a good source of vitamins and minerals. Radishes are low in calories and high in vitamin C and other antioxidants.

Do you cook radish or eat it raw? ›

Cute, crunchy and peppery, radishes are a pretty addition to any plate. They're best eaten raw, and can be easily sliced into salads and sandwiches, or enjoyed whole and dipped into houmous for a healthy snack. The young leaves are delicious in salads or cooked in the same way as spinach.

What does takuan taste like? ›

Takuan pickles have a distinct appearance and even more distinct flavor. They are long, somewhat thin, and bright yellow. Their flavor is crunchy, salty, slightly spicy and surprisingly sweet.

What part of the radish do you eat? ›

It is a root vegetable; but has a much more distinct peppery taste compared to turnips or beets. Radishes are related to mustard seeds. All parts of a radish—the bulbs, seeds, and leaf tops—are edible.


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