WWE 2K22 Controls Guide for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S - Trophies & Unlockables (2024)

With the game finally arriving, the WWE 2K22 controls are seeing some major changes and upgrades this year some of which could be confusing.

The unlockables and achievements in the game are also something that players are interested in learning about. The good news is, we have everything you need right here.

Table of Contents

  • Latest - Trophies and Achievements
  • WWE 2K22 Controls for PS4 and PS5
  • Springboard moves explained

We've got full details in this guide on the WWE 2K22 controls for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, and PS5.


Latest - Trophies and Achievements

Once you get a feel for the controls of the game, you'll likely try to get a jump on earning all of the Trophies and Achievements available as well.

There are 54 Trophies and Achievements available, so don't miss out on grinding them out and earning rewards.

WWE 2K22 Controls Guide for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S - Trophies & Unlockables (1)

WWE 2K22 Controls Guide for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S - Trophies & Unlockables (2)

Here is a taste of the Achievements you can earn in WWE 2K22:

  • Who's That Jumping Out the Sky? - Complete one objective in Showcase Mode
  • You Filthy Animal! - Complete one match in Showcase Mode
  • Dial It Up - Complete all objectives in one match in Showcase Mode
  • Like Father... - Unlock the Bonus Match in Showcase Mode
  • West Coast Pop - Clear all matches in Showcase Mode
  • Booyaka Booyaka - Complete all objectives in all matches in Showcase Mode
  • Step Into the Action - Complete your first match in Universe - Superstar Mode
  • In the Spotlight - Win a PPV match in Universe - Superstar Mode
  • Superstar Advancement - Win 5 matches in Universe - Superstar Mode
  • I'm Declaring the Royal Rumble! - Choose a path from the Curation Menu for the first time in the Universe - Superstar Mod

For the full list of WWE 2K22 Trophies, head here to see our detailed list.

WWE 2K22 Controls for Xbox One & Xbox Series X|S

Ahead of launch, developers with Visual Concepts were already hyping up the revamped WWE 2K22 controls that were set to see several changes when compared to last year.

We got a better look at them and the new play style when the WWE 2K22 feature reveal trailer arrived to showcase some of the new features coming to this year's game.

WWE 2K22 Controls Guide for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S - Trophies & Unlockables (3)

WWE 2K22 Controls Guide for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S - Trophies & Unlockables (4)

First up, here are the basic controls on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S:

  • LT (Press) - Run
  • LB (Press) - Pick Up Object
  • Directional Pad (Press Up) - Wake Up Taunt
  • Directional Pad (Press Left) - Crowd Taunt
  • Directional Pad (Press Right) - Opponent Taunt
  • Left Stick (Any Direction) - Move Superstar
  • Right Stick (Move Down) - Pin
  • Right Stick (Move Left, Right, or Up) - Re-Position Opponent
  • Right Stick (Press) - Change Target
  • RT + A (Press) - Finisher
  • RT + X (Press) - Signature
  • RT + Y (Press) - Payback
  • RT + B (Press) - Submission
  • RB (Press) - Dodge or Climb
  • Y (Press) - Reversal
  • Y (Hold) - Block
  • X (Press) - Light Attack
  • A (Press) - Heavy Attack
  • B (Press) - Grab

Next, here are the WWE 2K22 controls after pressing B to execute a Grab:

  • Left Stick (Any Direction) then Press X - Light Grapple Attacks
  • Left Stick (Any Direction) then Press A - Heavy Grapple Attacks
  • Left Stick (Any Direction) then Press B - Irish Whip
  • Left Stick (Any Direction) then Hold B - Strong Irish Whip

If you're looking to execute a Combo, continue pressing X, A, or B after you Press X for a Light Attack in order to go into a full combo sequence. You can Press Start to access the Menu at any time during a match to check the exact Combos for the Superstar you're currently using.

You can also execute multiple moves from the Carry position, and here are the details on how to enter that position and what you can do once there:

  • RB (Press) - Initiate Carry (after pressing B to Grab)
    • If you Press RB without moving the Left Stick in any direction, it will default to Shoulder Carry position, but you can move directly into the following Carry positions by using these direction combinations.
    • Left Stick Up then Press RB - Powerbomb Position
    • Left Stick Down then Press RB - Cradle Position
    • Left Stick Left then Press RB - Fireman's Carry
    • Left Stick Right then Press RB - Shoulder Carry
  • RB (Press) - Interrupt Into Carry (while performing a qualifying grapple)
  • Right Stick (Any Direction) - Change Carry Position
  • The direction you move the Right Stick to change position correlates identically to the directions used above to initiate the various Carry positions.
  • X (Press) - Environmental Attack (from Carry)
  • A (Press) - Slam (from Carry)
  • B (Press) - Throw Over Ropes or Off Stage (from Carry)
  • B (Mash) - If held in a Carry, tap B as quickly as possible to escape

There are also a few actions that take place when Dragging your opponent using the following WWE 2K22 controls:

  • LB (Press) - Initiate Drag (while in a Grab)
  • LB (Press) - Release Drag (while in a Drag)
  • X (Press) - Environmental Attack (while in a Drag)
  • B (Press) - Throw Over Ropes or Off Stage (while in a Drag)
  • B (Mash) - If held in a Drag, tap B as quickly as possible to escape

Finally, we've also got details on how to use objects in WWE 2K22 like weapons, ladders, and tables:

  • LB (Press) - Pick Up Object
    • If at the apron, this will grab an object from under the ring.
  • RB (Press) - Climb Ladder
  • While holding an object:
    • X (Press) - Primary Attack
    • A (Press) - Secondary Attack or Place Object
    • B (Press) - Drop Object
    • Y (Hold) - Block With Object
  • When facing an opponent leaning against a table:
    • Right Stick Up - Lift Opponent Onto Table

WWE 2K22 Controls for PS4 and PS5

If you're playing on PS4 or PS5, things will be quite similar, but we've also taken the time to outline those WWE 2K22 controls in-depth below:

  • L2 (Press) - Run
  • L1 (Press) - Pick Up Object
  • Directional Pad (Press Up) - Wake Up Taunt
  • Directional Pad (Press Left) - Crowd Taunt
  • Directional Pad (Press Right) - Opponent Taunt
  • Left Stick (Any Direction) - Move Superstar
  • Right Stick (Move Down) - Pin
  • Right Stick (Move Left, Right, or Up) - Re-Position Opponent
  • R3 (Press) - Change Target
  • R2 + X (Press) - Finisher
  • R2 + Square (Press) - Signature
  • R2 + Triangle (Press) - Payback
  • R2 + Circle (Press) - Submission
  • R1 (Press) - Dodge or Climb
  • Triangle (Press) - Reversal
  • Triangle (Hold) - Block
  • Square (Press) - Light Attack
  • X (Press) - Heavy Attack
  • Circle (Press) - Grab

Now, let's go over the PS4 and PS5 controls after pressing Circle to execute a Grab:

  • Left Stick (Any Direction) then Press Square - Light Grapple Attacks
  • Left Stick (Any Direction) then Press X - Heavy Grapple Attacks
  • Left Stick (Any Direction) then Press Circle - Irish Whip
  • Left Stick (Any Direction) then Hold Circle - Strong Irish Whip

If you want to execute a Combo on PS4 or PS5, continue pressing Square, X, or Circle after you Press Square for a Light Attack in order to move into the full combo sequence. You can Press Start to access the Menu at any time during a match to check the exact Combos for the Superstar you're currently using.

You'll also be able to execute multiple moves from the Carry position, and here are the details on how to enter that position and what you can do once there:

  • R1 (Press) - Initiate Carry (after pressing Circle to Grab)
    • If you Press R1 without moving the Left Stick in any direction, it will default to Shoulder Carry position, but you can move directly into the following Carry positions by using these direction combinations.
    • Left Stick Up then Press R1 - Powerbomb Position
    • Left Stick Down then Press R1 - Cradle Position
    • Left Stick Left then Press R1 - Fireman's Carry
    • Left Stick Right then Press R1 - Shoulder Carry
  • R1 (Press) - Interrupt Into Carry (while performing a qualifying grapple)
  • Right Stick (Any Direction) - Change Carry Position
    • The direction you move the Right Stick to change position correlates identically to the directions used above to initiate the various Carry positions.
  • Square (Press) - Environmental Attack (from Carry)
  • X (Press) - Slam (from Carry)
  • Circle (Press) - Throw Over Ropes or Off Stage (from Carry)
  • Circle (Mash) - If held in a Carry, tap B as quickly as possible to escape

There are also a few actions that take place when Dragging your opponent using the following WWE 2K22 controls:

  • L1 (Press) - Initiate Drag (while in a Grab)
  • L1 (Press) - Release Drag (while in a Drag)
  • Square (Press) - Environmental Attack (while in a Drag)
  • Circle (Press) - Throw Over Ropes or Off Stage (while in a Drag)
  • Circle (Mash) - If held in a Drag, tap B as quickly as possible to escape

Finally, we've also got details on how to use objects in WWE 2K22 like weapons, ladders, and tables:

  • L1 (Press) - Pick Up Object
    • If at the apron, this will grab an object from under the ring.
  • R1 (Press) - Climb Ladder
  • While holding an object:
    • Square (Press) - Primary Attack
    • X (Press) - Secondary Attack or Place Object
    • Circle (Press) - Drop Object
    • Triangle (Hold) - Block With Object
  • When facing an opponent leaning against a table:
    • Right Stick Up - Lift Opponent Onto Table

WWE 2K22 controls weren't the only big change this year, and we've got more details here on all the new features that have arrived.

Springboard moves explained

If you're still adjusting to the new WWE 2K22 controls this year, it can be a challenge to figure out all the ways that high flyers can use springboard moves.

One of the biggest things you need to keep in mind before trying to do springboard moves is that not every superstar in WWE 2K22 can actually do them.

WWE 2K22 Controls Guide for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S - Trophies & Unlockables (5)

WWE 2K22 Controls Guide for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S - Trophies & Unlockables (6)

Springboard moves are one piece of a larger move set, and "None" is an option for move choice from every potential springboard position in WWE 2K22.

The controls for springboard moves and ringside dives are relatively simple but will need some practice to master.

Find out exactly how to perform springboard moves right here.

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WWE 2K22 Controls Guide for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S - Trophies & Unlockables (2024)


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.